Fire Regs Option

Select Your Area..

Most recent Fire Regulations are different for each part of the UK, select your region in order to see the most up to date requirements.

You can then select and customise your bundle, to suit your needs.

Scottish Regs

Choose your Scottish Fire Regs Bundle


1 x F1 Smoke on each level
1 x F1 Smoke in living room
1 x F1 Heat in Kitchen
(Must be linked)

1 x CO near any appliance

Wales FFHH Regs

Create your Bundle to comply with FFHH Regs 2022


1 x D1 Smoke on each level
1 x F1 Smoke in living room
(Must be linked)

1 x F1 Heat in Kitchen
1 x CO near any appliance

English Regs

Information on English Fire Regs.